If you are thinking about divorcing your spouse, you likely researched information online and noticed advertisements for online divorce services. These types of legal websites charge you a fee and then require you to fill out some documents. After a short amount of...
Advocacy That Puts You First.
Photo of Alicia Lackey
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Who keeps the credit card points in a divorce?
In the state of Texas, joint assets are divided equally in a divorce. Therefore, you could potentially lose half of the funds in a joint bank account or half of the equity accrued in a marital home. In some cases, you could also be at risk of losing credit card points...
Should you settle your divorce or go to trial?
Divorce is one of the most stressful experiences that a couple can face. During a divorce, particularly when child custody is involved, you have to choose between trial and a settlement. Sometimes, negotiations end with both parties agreeing on all terms. In other...